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[( 6 )] collective goes to Oxford

We love telling you fantastic bunch about the new upcoming exhibitions and this one happens to involve artists from the featured #PHOTOGRAPHY community.

That’s why it’s important that we tell you a little bit about The Oxford [( 6 )] and how you can support them on their journey...

Back in 2014, 6 photographers from around the world came together to exhibit their work in Sheffield. In a month’s time they will be reuniting in Oxford (UK) to create a unique body of work which will be shown in October, in Oxford (Canada). Known collectively as [(6)], they all have a link to the quaint and historic English City and in creating this body of work they’ll be sharing both a sense of space and society.

Although they all have different artistic styles, the medium of photography brings them together, but with all adventures in photography, this exciting project is certainly going to be a challenge! Nothing is set in stone and the collective doesn't know exactly what they will be producing over the course of the weekend or what the relationship between all 6 final pieces will be. One thing is for certain, we can't wait to see what they produce.

The second challenge however, comes in the form of fundraising. As you can imagine, exhibiting any work is a major task, let alone planning an exhibition on an international scale. The team currently have an IndieGoGo page set up online where you can find out more about the project and donate as much as you like. Rewards vary between a thankyou in the exhibition catalogue to postcards and prints of the work, but the one thing that is guaranteed is the great sense of self-satisfaction by supporting the project. The money raised will go towards a great number of things, including prints, mounts, the catalogue, opening night and bringing the 6 photographers together so they can make this great idea happen.

You can visit the Facebook page to find out more about the individual artists. 3 of the members (Dewald Botha, Rob™ and Keith Greenough) have previously featured with #PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine so have a peek in there too.

The Oxford Riverside Gallery (Canada) will be hosting the exhibition in a few weeks’ time with the hopes that the work can be brought back to the UK next year for a second exhibition, something we’ll certainly be keeping an eye out for.

If you can’t help them out financially, then spread the word! Sharing is caring.

The fundraising page can be found here

Follow the collective on Facebook, read about the [{6)] on their website

Tanya Ahmed -

Dewald Botha -

Rob™ -

Keith Greenough -

Nigel Haworth -

Pete Mansell -

Follow Evan Merner @EvanCPhoto and #PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine @hashtagphotomag

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