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Stunning & Irregular: The Beauty Across the Web

Beauty is as relative of a term as it gets. In fact, if you think about it, it truly is everywhere. It only depends on us - the perceivers and those who have the rare capacity to capture it, how it gets represented. In this little piece, photo printing experts from will take a look at some of the greatest contemporary photographers and their masterful works to disclose the essence - the essence of a stunning and irregular beauty found across the web.


Courtesy Lieke Romeijn Photography

Courtesy Lieke Romeijn Photography

Now, this is pretty much how it feels being transported to another dreamy and better-than-reality realm solely via the medium of photography. Lieke’s oeuvre consists of muted, washed-out little wonders and characters that seem to boast a set of visual qualities one might hardly find a better word to describe than that of otherworldly. There’s always the perfect colour grading or the lack thereof, the ascetic, yet monumental presentation, mystique, and energetically loaded atmosphere. The young Dutch lady and graduate of St. Joost Art Academy seems to sit comfortably on middle ground between the analogue, Instagram, and Tumblr aesthetics, snapping shots and creating pieces of visual art that define unconventional yet irresistible photography.

The Golden Morning: Courtesy Li Hui Photography

You’ll probably know what it’s all about from the second you see her website for the first time. The fragility, the candid nature of the photos, the lack of faces; all of it makes for an almost voyeuristic experience. However, despite the light tone, there’s a kind of strange intensity, present in almost all of Li’s photos. Whereas Lieke focuses on the uniqueness of her protagonists, Li stresses extreme close-ups, narratives, beautiful experiments with double-exposure, textures, all served in a subtle lighting and resolution that gravitates between that of a rococo and romanticism-era paintings. All in all, this Beijing-based artist surely specializes in creating a kind of photography that’s exceptionally alluring.

Courtesy of David Billet Photography

Courtesy of David Billet Photography

David Billet, more so than any other artist on this list, uses his photography as a megaphone for social commentary. That, of course, does not make his photography any less beautiful. There’s a rawness, characteristic to the street photography controversy in the best tradition of Diane Arbus. Here the beauty lies in the sheer honesty of the characters and their conditions. Billet does not prettify, in fact, with very little intervention of post-processing, David reduces the photography to its core attributes. What we get in the end is a naked and beautiful portrait of modern man and his/her modern condition.

Courtesy Myoung Ho Lee Photography

And now, for a change of pace, we have nature photography expert Myoung Ho Lee and his astounding experiments with tree separation. Despite sounding like a weird biology-related act, what Myoung does is a simple yet surprisingly appealing visual update on nature photography. By setting up a temporary photo studio corner, Myoung effectively separates the tree from the rest of the environment, which, in turn, distorts our perception of scale and reality. Through the lens of Myoung, the trees acquire a painting-like quality, usually providing an illusion of a photo within a photo. The images are beautifully surreal and as unconventional of nature photography as it gets!

Courtesy Katty Hoover Photography

Now, this might be the only one we could actually put under the NSFW banner. There’s a lot of nakedness here, yet, more than anything, it seems humorous, sweet and completely natural. Katty captures a lot of naked people in seemingly casual situations. To be even more precise, the people seen in her photos are the members of the nudist community living by Lake Como in Florida, USA. The rare combination of a traditional and perfectly kept suburban setting and the naked bodies residing within it can truly seem a bit amusing yet, this has been the region’s trademark for several decades. These people love what they do, believe in their way of life and, therefore, radiate beauty!

Courtesy Alexandra Von Fuerest Photography

Okay, forget what we said about Katty Hoover being the only NSFW tag worthy of entry here. Alexandra von Fuerest takes the cake for the most explicit and, what’s there to hide here? Hers is the most sensual photography among all of the above mentioned. However, there’s also a beauty to grasp. The painted bodies, or fragments of them, constitute an interesting and bold game with shapes and colours; there is provocation and a lot of high fashion insights. Above all though, her compositions are astonishingly creative little pieces where numerous artistic mediums mesh together for a wonderfully surrealistic result! Beauty is indeed an odd thing.

Courtesy Pep Ventosa Photography

With a quick peek, you can hardly tell that it’s photography at all! Pep Ventosa throws image on image, creating a distorted, multi-layer mess. And it’s a beautiful one at that. Numerous fragments, different colour relations, angles- it’s all meshed to create an effect similar to a frozen time lapse video. By no means conventionally beautiful landscape photography, it’s remarkable for the idea that a photo eventually cannot capture a moment in time. It’s ever-changing, even within the microscopic time frame of a shutter movement.


Of course, there are many more photographers who play around with the concept of beauty in ways that some may find hard to fathom. However, our perception of it is a flexible thing, the more forms of it you encounter, the wider it gets! encourages you to search, inspire yourself and to find something truly wall art worthy!


Twenty Three

Twenty Three

Twenty Two

Twenty Two

Twenty One

Twenty One









































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